Is it fair to call MAGA neocon lite, or possibly MAGAcons?
The fact so few of these establishment labeled “white nationalists” had anything to say about Trump’s illegal bombing of Syria, or the death toll from his war against ISIS, leads me to believe they enthusiastically support intervention in foreign nations, most recently Venezuela. They are not opposed to these illegal actions, which leads one to believe they subscribe to the neoliberal religion, or at least are not opposed to it.
From the start, it was obvious Trump was not a noninterventionist. He sincerely believes in using state violence to realize his vision of making America great again, which is to say continuing neoliberal interventionist policies in violation of international law, policies designed and implemented by a global elite, the practitioners of the neoliberal creed of creative destruction that employs mass murder and societal destruction as regime change tools.
Trump has said he’s not interested in nation-building. On the other hand, he said he is in favor of making victims pay for the destruction of their nations and societies. Recall his promise to make Iraq pay for its destruction. Trump said he would do this by stealing Iraqi oil and also said “terrorists” (those resisting occupation) would be tortured in the presence of their families.
It is obvious Trump was playing to a specific audience, the neocons. He also appealed to the noninterventionists by declaring he would bring the troops home. Trump made this promise again in regard to Syria, but he was overruled by the real controllers of US foreign policy, the neocons. So powerful is their sway John Bolton managed to team up with his soulmate, the convicted Iran-Contra criminal Elliot Abrams.
The effort to further destabilize Venezuela has nothing to do with helping the people. Trump’s decision to declare Juan Guaidó supreme leader of Venezuela and eventually depose the elected president Nicolas Maduro is only the latest in a long series of efforts by the United States government to eradicate Bolivarianism. In the case of Venezuela, the plan is to undermine and destroy Chavism, the Venezuelan version of Bolivarianism.
Simón Bolívar’s Carta de Jamaica, written in 1815, called for the end of Spanish conquest, the establishment of new South American nations, and the formation of a union of those nations opposed to imperialism. In other words, allowing the people to decide their destiny, not bankers on Wall Street and corporations itching to exploit the continent’s bounty of natural resources.
For the neoliberals, fire alarms went off in 2008 when Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Venezuela formed Banco del Sur, or Bank of the South, in response to the World Bank and the IMF demanding sacrificial structural adjustment as a condition to receive emergency funding.
In the previous decade, Hugo Chávez was elected and this produced further consternation on Wall Street. It took the CIA and its clone NED three years to pull off a coup that ultimately failed. Following the two day imprisonment of Chávez and his release, the US-organized Venezuelan opposition organized a general strike that shut down the oil industry and economically crippled the country. GDP fell 27 percent during the first four months of 2003. It cost the oil industry $13.3 billion. This economic warfare resulted in Venezuela defaulting on its international petroleum supply contracts as it was unable to meet its commitments.
Trump, his neocon advisers (his latest addition, Elliot Abrams, is a senior CFR member), and the MAGA ranks insist Venezuela is in “our backyard,” which means it is entirely reasonable to sponsor the opposition, meddle in elections, foment coups, and if need be use the US military to force Maduro from office, never mind the people who will be killed in the process.
Even supposed “liberals” believe the US government has the right to intervene in the internal affairs of other nations within the US proclaimed “backyard,” a throwback to Manifest Destiny and Roosevelt’s Big Stick warship diplomacy.
Consider “comedian” Bill Maher. He recently declared on his television show the US has the right to overthrow the Maduro government. Bill and the neocons are on the same page. Venezuela is our backyard. We decide who will rule the country.
The MAGA faction—now apparently cleansed of noninterventionists—supports the foreign policy of the neocons. Read Breitbart and The Drudge Report. Nothing there about the neocon infestation at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue or the illegality of subverting a foreign country which just so happens to be in possession of the world’s largest supply of petroleum.
MAGA is now throughly neocon-ized. Breitbart supports the policies of Israel, including those of the Likud Party and the New Right Party, the latter formed by settlers and ideological Zionists.
The Left hates Trump, reject his ideas about a border wall, and are steadfastly opposed to all of his proposals—with the exception of foreign policy.
Obama successfully neutered the antiwar and nonintervention movement in the United States. During the Bush wars, there were demonstrations and these were predominately organized by the Left. But after Obama entered office and the rhetoric changed, these illegal wars magically transformed into “humanitarian” interventions. Obama dramatically increased the drone war, organized the destruction of Libya with his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, and set the stage for the slaughter of more than a half million Syrians.
Despite campaign trail ramblings about defunding NATO and bringing the troops home, Trump continued this dying empire legacy. He appointed generals to run his foreign policy and when this didn’t produce results, he fired the generals and brought the neocons in. Neocons get things done, as the corpses of more than a million Iraqis and tens of thousands of Afghans demonstrate. Trump is a textbook example of a malignant narcissist. His prime concern is his image and place in history.
The MAGA crowd will support anything and everything Trump does. Move the capital of Israel to Jerusalem. Check. Feed the military industrial complex and become its number one salesman. Check. Expand the warfare doctrine into space. Check. Build “usable” nukes. Check. Continue the inhumane treatment of illegal aliens and their children, same as Obama. Check. Appoint Goldman Sachs bankers and CFR operatives in key positions, including at the Treasury. Check. Forget that promise to audit the Federal Reserve. Check. I could go on, but what’s the point?
It’s working out nicely for the ruling elite—for the moment.
While the Left and Right fight it out over identity politics, the state continues and expands its agenda behind the scenes. Incessant propaganda and a shocking ambivalence by the people to inform themselves on geopolitical issues has produced a populace either largely ignorant or simply disinterested in what its government does in the Middle East, Africa, and South America. If they have an opinion, it is formed by establishment news and social media.
Thus The New York Times can safely publish an “op-ed” penned by Juan Guaidó, the future dictator of Venezuela, calling for an overthrow of the government. Few complain or point out the obvious—Mr. Guaidó is the main character in a stage production scripted in Washington DC and the backrooms of Wall Street and London.
The reality has yet to sink in and it is truly amazing—no matter the president or majority in Congress, the same neoliberal agenda creeps forward. It is often disguised in several ways, but is the same beast created during Bretton Woods following the Second World War.
If this simple fact is not understood and accepted, we can’t hope to stop what is now shaping up on the world stage as the neocons provoke and threaten every perceived and invented enemy, from Venezuela to North Korea, Iran, and Syria to—most ominously—Russia and China, the last two bristling with nukes.
Reprinted with permission from KurtNimmo.blog.
from Ron Paul Institute Featured Articles

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