We all knew this was coming. In order to justify the forced vaccination of children, the powers that be would somehow have to overturn 15 months of observations that COVID is less a threat to children than the flu and that unvaccinated children are less at risk than vaccinated adults (100 times less at risk than seniors), even if we are to believe Pfizer's efficacy data.
"CDC director reports spike in teen hospitalizations, urges parents to vaccinate kids over 12," was the headline at the Hill on Friday, reporting on the CDC's new study of hospitalizations. Naturally, it caught my attention because we all know that hospitalizations among all age groups have been plummeting to record lows across the country in recent weeks. It turns out that along with its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), the CDC published a "study" purporting to show an increase in hospitalizations among 12- to 17-year-olds, with one-third of them being in the ICU and 5% of them being placed on ventilators.
A new @CDCMMWR finds of 204 adolescents hospitalized for COVID-19 during Jan–Mar 2021, nearly a third were admitted to an ICU. The report shows the importance of #COVID19 vaccination for adolescents and mask use for those not yet vaccinated. More: https://t.co/U2m55Yi02s. pic.twitter.com/9vUMwMvH2N
— CDC (@CDCgov) June 4, 2021
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky was ready to pounce. "I am deeply concerned by the numbers of hospitalized adolescents and saddened to see the number of adolescents who required treatment in intensive care units or mechanical ventilation," said Walensky in a statement.
Of course, the solution is the great experimental gene therapy. "Until they are fully vaccinated, adolescents should continue to wear masks and take precautions when around other [sic] who are not vaccinated to protect themselves, and their family, friends, and community," Walensky stated.
CNN dutifully echoed the false data and the premise it engenders without investigating it.
But there's one problem. The CDC's own data show that hospitalizations among all groups have plummeted over the past six weeks. It turns out they picked arbitrary start and end points – an old trick they've used with mask studies – which coincides with a period of increased hospitalizations among all age groups, including those with high vaccination rates.New CDC report shows a recent increase in Covid-19 hospitalizations among people ages 12 to 17, reinforcing the importance of vaccinating kids https://t.co/EX1uV2OFgX
— CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) June 4, 2021
The study period of the CDC's report was from March 1, 2020, to April 24, 2021. It just so happens that April 24 was roughly the peak period for ALL age groups!
Today's age 12 to 17 hospitalization edition of: does the CDC read their own website?https://t.co/N7XOkRMT9h pic.twitter.com/E6WBq6HJEF
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) June 4, 2021
Most of that mini increase (after the major winter spread) was due to the final spring spread in the northeast and upper Midwest. Based on the CDC's headlines, one would think that childhood hospitalizations are spreading now and that they are rising relative to other age groups. In reality, they have plummeted and only rose slightly from a near-zero baseline earlier this year along with other groups.Guess where the CDC stopped their study: pic.twitter.com/3reIhWzEmv
— Woke Zombie 😊 (@foogatwo) June 4, 2021
Fair use excerpt. Read the whole article here.
from Peace and Prosperity
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