The fastest growing political movement in the US and around the world today is a movement against forced vaccinations.
And it is a political movement because the left politicized the Covid vaccine right from the start.
Jane Fonda, before our last presidential election, called Covid “a gift to the left.”
Most who are now speaking out against forced vaccinations feel obligated to add that they themselves have been vaccinated. This is because, as Dr. Thomas Siler, M.D., wrote in a recent American Thinker article: “There is a massive propaganda push against those choosing not to vaccinate…”
Dr. Siler added: “Mainstream media, the big tech corporations, and our government have combined efforts to reward compliance and to shame and marginalize non-compliance.”
“Persons who choose not to vaccinate are characterized as unintelligent, selfish, paranoid people who don’t read much and live in a trailer park….”
Those who are now opposed to forced vaccinations are not against vaccinations, they are just opposed to the mandates, firings, and coercion that should not be going on in a free country.
The vaccine pushers are certainly helping Big Pharma. There have been numerous reports that this vaccine has created at least nine new billionaires among the top executives of the pharmaceutical giants. Moderna stock, which was selling at $20 a share just before the vaccine, was $350 a share on Nov. 3.
And commentator Victor Davis Hanson said that if Big Pharma succeeds in its goal of getting everyone in the world to be vaccinated, the money they will make will be “obscene.”
This has not been done by some type of secret conspiracy. It has been done in the open by the most massive lobbying and public relations campaign the world has ever seen.
And it has certainly been a very effective collusion between the mainstream media, with its absolute hatred for Donald Trump, Big Pharma, with its greed for billions and billions of dollars, and holier-than-thou politicians, with their lust for power.
And it has all been aided by public health officials who have been mostly ignored during their careers but have loved the spotlight, their TV appearances, and their new and unprecedented power.
The Democrats realized that with the economy so strong under President Trump and their Russian Hoax failing so miserably, they could not win the election unless they were seen coming to the rescue against a virus that was exaggerated greatly out of proportion. They realized it would help them if they could shut down as much of the economy as possible.
Many Democrats would actually get mad if you pointed out that this virus had a survival rate of 99.7% in those under 65 and that 94% of all so-called Covid deaths were in people who had co-morbidities that were more likely to have been the cause of death.
This collusion is even now trying to scare little children and their parents into getting vaccinations for those from 5 to 12, even though the survival rate for the very few children who get the virus is 99.9973%. Children are in more danger riding in a car.
People were led to believe that the vaccinations would keep them from getting the virus. Now the most heavily vaccinated countries have become Covid hotspots and vaccinated people will need endless boosters.
In the American Thinker article quoted above, Dr. Siler wrote: “However, as time has passed with this pandemic and more data accumulates about the virus and the vaccine, the unvaccinated are looking smarter and smarter with each passing week.”
He added: “It has been shown now that the vaccinated equally catch and spread the virus. Vaccine side effect data continues to accumulate that make the risk of taking the vaccine prohibitive as the pandemic wanes.”
Finally, I wrote in an earlier column that a university study of one million people found that the most vaccine-hesitant group was in those with PhDs. I have since found out that the least-vaccinated are pregnant women, with a vaccination rate of only 26%.
John Duncan is a former US Congressman from TN. He is a Member of the Ron Paul Institute's Board of Advisors.
Reprinted with author's permission from the Knoxville Focus.
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