Friday, July 28, 2023

Debanking Dr. Mercola

By Adam Dick - July 29, 2023 at 12:12AM


Throughout the coronavirus scare, Joseph Mercola has provided much information challenging many of the aspects of the government and big money media’s fearmongering campaign. Given Mercola is a doctor with the ability to reach with his message a significant number of people who value his thoughts on matters related to health, his communication has been seen as a major threat by those pushing the coronavirus scare and related coronavirus crackdowns.

Mercola argued people could take actions to boost their immunity to coronavirus and counter infection with early treatment. The party line was that people were inevitably defenseless against coronavirus sickness and should thus seclude themselves and, if they become sick, stay at home doing nothing to help themselves until they are in dire condition and then seek emergency hospital treatment. At a hospital they would likely be subjected to counterproductive but government supported protocols.

Mercola warned early on that the so-called coronavirus vaccines are not vaccines and do carry dangers. The party line was that the shots were “safe and effective” and that everyone should take them.

Mercola said the mask wearing being pushed on people, and even mandated by government, as protecting against the spread of coronavirus did not accomplish that task and caused health problems. The party line was wear your mask, it will protect you.

Mercola was right in presenting these and other challenges to the coronavirus scare party line.

Being right on such important health matters should lead to accolades for Mercola. To some extent it has, as many people have recognized and appreciated his bravery and insightfulness in strongly challenging the party line from early on.

At the same time, there has also been a powerful push from the party line enforcers to punish and silence Mercola for daring to declare his opposing views and for daring to offer facts that don’t fit in the heavily pushed coronavirus scare narrative. Much of that effort against Mercola has previously been focused on directly censoring his communication. Earlier this month, the effort may have taken a new turn, with Chase Bank terminating banking services it had been providing to Mercola’s business, a couple of his business associates, and family members of those business associates.

Mercola related in a new article the action taken by Chase Bank, writing:
July 13, 2023, JP Morgan Chase Bank suddenly informed me they are closing all of my business accounts, both banking and investment accounts, along with the personal accounts of my CEO, my CFO and their respective spouses and children.

No reason for the decision was given, other than there was “unexpected activity” on an unspecified account. The oldest of these accounts has been active for 18 years.
Continuing, Mercola warned that what Chase Bank has done to his business, his business associates, and the family members of his business associates is a warning to people generally because it is a type of action that may become much more widespread soon:
This is what the new social credit system looks like, and what every soul on the planet can expect from the central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) that are being rolled out. Go against the prevailing narrative of the day, and your financial life will be deleted with the push of a button.

It’s difficult enough trying to navigate this hurdle today. Once everything is digitized, cash eradicated and the social credit system completely integrated and automated, this kind of retaliatory action for wrongthink could be a death sentence for some people.
Mercola should be celebrated for standing up for people’s health in the face of pseudoscience-based medical claims and the authoritarian government measures they helped put in place. Instead, even in the late waning days of the coronavirus scare it looks like Mercola’s business, his business associates, and the family members of his business associates are being subjected to burdensome new punishments because Mercola challenged the party line. Maybe Chase Bank can provide another reason for what it did. If so, let’s hear it.

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