How can you tell when a politician is lying? His lips are moving.
That joke is apropos for the new English language video monologue that Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released Thursday, and which Netanyahu said in his first words spoken is directed to the “people of Iran.” He managed to fit a bunch of lies in the under three minutes presentation.
Netanyahu said Iranians’ “oppressors,” by which he apparently means the Iran government, “keep losing” in Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria “because they seek to conquer other nations.” But, the support Iran provided relative to Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria was used to oppose the Israel government — the conqueror whose military has been occupying and dispensing death and destruction in all three places.
“The only thing Israel seeks is to defend our state,” further declared Netanyahu in his video monologue. However, it is Israel that continues to take offensive action against a list of countries. And this is a practice Israel has been engaged in since long before the Hamas attack of last year to which Netanyahu and others have pointed at as a justification for imposing a heightened level of carnage.
In defending Israel, Netanyahu continued, the Israel government is “defending civilization against barbarism.” However, the Israel government’s action in Gaza over the last year has taken barbarism to its extreme. Israel has intentionally deprived the people of Gaza of the means to sustain life at even the most basic level, directly killing many civilians and subjecting the rest to dangers of hunger, exposure to the elements, and unrelenting dread and despair. Devastation has also brought the spread of illnesses, made worse by the Israel government’s deliberate destruction of the means of obtaining medical care.
These lies by Netanyahu set the stage for this doozy of a fabrication. “Israel wants peace,” he stated emphatically. This may be the ultimate demonstration in real life of the Orwellian assertion that “war is peace.”
Concluding, Netanyahu declared, “I know and I believe we will transform the Middle East into a beacon of prosperity, progress, and peace.” Attainment of that condition is a superb hope for the region. The problem is that the government of Israel, with the indispensable backing of the US government, has been working at full tilt to maximize poverty, degeneration, and war.
When will American politicians finally stand up to this liar and cut off US support for his government’s rampage?
from Ron Paul Institute Featured Articles
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