Saturday, January 25, 2025

Saved from the Terror of TikTok

By Eric Margolis - January 25, 2025 at 12:24PM

Thank goodness that our heroes in Congress and the Supreme Court have courageously acted to end the scourge of that nefarious Red Chinese conspiracy, TikTok.

This evil computer program was designed to mesmerize, corrupt and mislead America’s youth. Not since the wickedness of Dr. Fu Manchu have we seen such a grave threat to the American Republic or Free World. Our children are becoming little Manchurian Candidates thanks to the sinister mind-benders at TikTok.

The Yellow plague is upon us – in full force. We thought that Covid was an evil Chinese plot brewed up in secret labs in Wuhan. But that was nothing compared to the terror of TikTok. Imagine tens of millions of young Americans entranced by the silly bugger shenanigans of other teenagers on TikTok. Or the profound outrage of American fathers watching their nubile daughters perform sexy dances on it.

I’ve been to the town of Hamlin, Germany, where the notorious pied piper led its teenagers off to servitude. Do you think the Chinese have not read about the Pied Piper?

And it’s not just TikTokery. The Red Chinese have been spying on us for decades. I’ve seen some of it. What looks innocent is actually a fiendish plot to undermine the Free World, corrupt its people, and sell them cheap products at the same time.

After seeing the TikTok conspiracy, who can trust anything Chinese? Could soy sauce be poisoning us? Is Chinese food delivery part of China’s grand strategy to subvert the US of A? Are egg rolls watching us? Is our moo goo gai pan reporting to China’s puppet masters? Do chopsticks purposely splinter in our Chinese food? Does ‘Happy Chinese New Year’ really mean ‘death to all white devils’ in Cantonese? Are people aware that many Chinese restaurants are actually Red Chinese intelligence centers?

While our befuddled teenagers are dancing like monkeys to TikTok music, Red Chinese agents are subverting California. Where do you think the Los Angeles fires came from? Watch so-called Chinese real estate developers buy up scorched parts of greater Los Angeles. It’s called a ‘fire sale.’

As if all that were not enough, those Red Chinese have the audacity to build warships, including aircraft carriers. Don’t they know that the South and West China seas are part of America’s Great Lakes? Or that Taiwan belongs to Texas? Such ignorance. Americans need to watch more TikTok to be enlightened.

On a happy note, it appears that Good President Trump, newly in office, may reprieve TikTok in the USA. One must ask if the whole TikTok ban was not cooked up by Trump’s publicity machine to win him kudos from naïve adolescents? Or has Taiwan been quietly traded for TikTok?

Reprinted with permission from

from Ron Paul Institute Featured Articles


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