Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Biden Regime Was an Amazing Collection of Criminals

By Paul Craig Roberts - January 21, 2025 at 12:38PM

“In its final hours, the most CORRUPT Administration in American history is covering up Democrats’ trail of criminal activity.”
— US Rep. Andrew Clyde 

The Criminal-in-Chief in his last criminal act has issued a “preemptive pardon” to 20 criminals. Mass murderer “Covid-vax Fauci” got one and so did the despicable Liz Cheney and all members of the Jan. 6 House Committee that conducted the unjustified and politically motivated prosecutions of American citizens who attended the rally for President Trump. The “law enforcement” officers who worked to turn the protest into a riot got preemptive pardons.

Biden alleges that his pardons should not be viewed as confirmation that any of the preemptively pardoned persons did anything wrong.  If this is true, why did Biden pardon them?  Indeed, Biden’s pardons convict them. He knows firsthand that they are guilty just as he is, and that is why he pardoned them. 

But did Biden pardon them?  There is no such thing as a preemptive pardon.  Pardons come after indictment or conviction, not before.  A preemptive pardon is an invention that is a product of the gradual transformation of a US president into a caesar who issues laws and rules independently of the legislature and Constitution.  

Having presided for four years over politics prevailing over our legal institutions, Biden declares his optimism “that the strength of our legal institutions will ultimately prevail over politics.”

Having made Trump supporters and Trump himself the targets of unjustified and politically motivated prosecutions, Biden justifies pardons for those who conducted the unjustified and politically motivated prosecutions on the grounds that they  “do not deserve to be the targets of unjustified and politically motivated prosecutions.”

Keep in mind that Biden pardoned people on death row and 2,500 people convicted for drug offenses, but he could not find a single wrongful convicted January 6 protester to pardon. 

 I have little doubt that among the convicted murderers and drug offenders there are some innocent people, and I have little doubt that the January 6 rally attendees were prosecuted and convicted for political and propaganda reasons. 

Biden says he has tried to convince Trump not “to go back and try to settle scores.”  Here we have Biden, as usual, mischaracterizing the situation. To hold government officials responsible for violating and weaponizing law is not a political settling of scores. It is enforcing the law in order to prevent its weaponization in the future and to hold officials to the same laws that apply to everyone else. The last thing we want is a system in which officials have immunity when they break the law.

All of the perpetrators of the illegal prosecutions of Trump, his attorneys, and the January 6 Trump supporters must be indicted and held accountable. 

I doubt that Biden’s “preemptive” pardons are legal.  But if they are, we are still entitled to know the truth about the crimes.  Therefore, investigations and indictments should go forward. If they are found not guilty, they don’t need the pardon. If guilty, the pardon, if legal, protects them.  They certainly deserve a taste of the experience that they dished out to others.

Reprinted with permission from PaulCraigRoberts.org.

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