Early in his new book, The Revolution at Ten Years, Ron Paul writes this synopsis of our current situation:
Though the 'Revolution' of 2007 is essentially forgotten in a political sense, the ideology that inspired it is very much alive, and the anger and loss of confidence in our current system continues to grow.That captures our current situation perfectly. As we all know, a political campaign can capture the imagination and garner huge, banner-waving crowds. But even a winning political campaign is a temporary phenomenon. As we know, a successful political campaign can be very quickly followed by disappointment and regret.
The ideas of a peaceful foreign policy, protection of civil liberties, sound money, and non-intervention are proven to resonate, however. They may be adopted tactically by politicians seeking advantage only to be abandoned after electoral success, but that just means they are proven winners and must be advanced at every opportunity. That is what we are doing. And continue to do.
Ron Paul has taken a good look at the past ten years -- the excitement of the first campaign, the seeds planted that continue to bear fruit across all sectors of society, the new challenges we face, the hope for the future -- and he put it all into a brand new book, the above-mentioned, The Revolution at Ten Years.
For a very limited time, the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity is offering a personalized copy of Ron Paul's new book -- signed by Ron Paul to you -- as a "thank you" for your contribution of $100 or more to his Institute.
Your contribution not only helps us continue our perfect record of sold-out major conferences, it helps us continue to educate the American public (and the world) that a peaceful foreign policy brings great prosperity and happiness. Your support also helps us continue our number one outreach tool: the Ron Paul Liberty Report, which has been viewed by nearly ten million people!
Getting your personalized copy of Ron Paul's exciting new book is easy!
1) Make your donation of $100 or more here.
2) Send us an email at Book@RonPaulInstitute.org with the name you would like Dr. Paul to sign the book to.
3) Wait for the Post Office to bring you your personalized copy of Ron Paul's book!!!
This offer is good only through the month of October, so act TODAY!
from Ron Paul Institute Peace and Prosperity Articles
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