Over at 71 Republic, Joshua D. Glawson wrote Monday about libertarian and liberty-friendly organizations that every young libertarian should know about. The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity (RPI) made the list.
Here is what Glawson writes about RPI, its email list, and its chairman and founder, Ron Paul:
The man, the myth, the legend himself, Dr. Ron Paul, is who got me into libertarianism. I am forever grateful to this man and his work. I had the honor of meeting him once through a YAL event, and it took everything I had not to shake his hand off because I was soo thrilled to meet him. His organization, the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, has great video content advocating for Liberty and peace around the world. I cannot speak highly enough of Ron Paul and his organization, as he pushes his age in his 80s, he continues to do more for Liberty than most of us young men could ever even imagine. Be sure to sign up for his emails and stay motivated by his ongoing work.Read Glawson’s complete article here.
(Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity about page.)
from Ron Paul Institute Peace and Prosperity Articles

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