Both heads of the two-headed establishment political hydra want to resurrect COINTELPRO, the FBI’s illegal subversion program, in response to speech they oppose and want outlawed.
In August, The Verge (owned by liberal Vox Media and founded by former CIA asset Markos Moulitsas) and the National Review, the failing neocon journal edited by Rich Lowry, posted articles on how to best undermine the First Amendment right of millions of Americans.
The Verge cites a recent paper by N. F. Johnson and a collection of academics. Johnson and his fellows compare online “hate and extremist narratives” to a chemistry project.
“We observe the current hate network rapidly rewiring and self-repairing at the micro level when attacked, in a way that mimics the formation of covalent bonds in chemistry,” they write.
Because of this dynamic, the authors suggest fighting “hate” (unacceptable political speech) by inserting a “population in a pre-engineered format” within a targeted “hate-cluster” and destroying it from within.
This is a tactic taken right out of the COINTELPRO handbook.
Branko Marcetic writes:
As the Church Committee, a congressional committee set up in 1975 to analyze the excesses of US law enforcement and intelligence agencies over the preceding decades, put it, what followed was a secret war against those citizens it considers threats to the established order…Although Rich Lowry of the National Review admits COINTELPRO was illegal, he appreciates how the program was used to supposedly degrade and dismantle the Ku Klux Klan. In fact, the FBI used its informants and clueless Klan members to attack the Left.
The bread and butter of COINTELPRO operations was the use of wiretaps, anonymous letters, informants, and other means of subterfuge to, in the Bureau’s own words, foster factionalism and create suspicion within groups, bring individuals into disrepute before the American public, and create disruption and discord among such groups and movements in order to destroy the Left, or at least render it useless.
Brian Glick writes:
In the guise of a COINTELPRO against “white hate groups,” the FBI subsidized, armed, directed and protected the Klu Klux Klan and other right-wing groups, including a “Secret Army Organization” of California ex-Minutemen who beat up Chicano activists, tore apart the offices of the San Diego Street Journal and the Movement for a Democratic Military, and tried to kill a prominent anti-war organizer. Puerto Rican activists suffered similar terrorist assaults from anti-Castro Cuban groups organized and funded by the CIA.Moreover, the primary target of the FBI in the 1960s was the civil rights movement, not the KKK. Later, the emphasis shifted to the antiwar movement and black nationalist groups like the Black Panthers.
“Of all the movements of this period, the FBI viewed civil rights organizers as the greatest threat of all,” notes Marcetic. “According to an internal FBI document produced in 1963, civil rights protests were a threat to the established order, and Martin Luther King Jr a dangerous radical who had to be stopped.”
Although the FBI was run by the infamously paranoid J. Edgar Hoover, this was not just his pet project. Officials at the highest levels of government were aware of COINTELPRO and approved its continuation. The FBI as a whole dove headfirst into the project.Now the threat is “deplorable” Americans fed-up with the establishment. They voted for Trump because he promised things undeliverable, same as any other politician. Donald Trump is at best a nominal threat to the establishment, more as an outlier demonstrating how a rigged game (national elections) can be penetrated and flipped.
After Trump’s surprising victory, the establishment began working on a way to make sure another outsider will not be allowed to game the system. The threat is posed by renegades outside the establishment and its media tributaries. With the advent of an open and free internet, these contrary voices began to make political headway and over time became a threat to the state and its monopoly on political power.
Prior to Trump, elections in America were determined by the banksters and their privately held cartel masquerading as a fed agency, the Federal Reserve.
“Whether it’s the mainstream media, the CIA, the FBI, or now the Federal Reserve, more and more Americans are waking up to the fact that there is a Deep State in America and its interests have nothing to do with American liberty. In fact, our liberty is what the Deep State wants to abolish,” writes Ron Paul. “When it comes to the Federal Reserve, I stand firmly by my conviction that it needs to be audited and then ended as soon as possible.”
COINTELPRO, then and now, is not about eliminating “hate,” it’s about eliminating the opposition. The threat of “white hate” is fiction. It’s true—a small number of people hate (or rather fear) people who are different—and they may even engage in violence on occasion against them. This isn’t a terrorist threat. It’s a law enforcement issue, the same as the weekly body counts in Chicago, Baltimore, and other urban hellholes.
The idea is quite simple. Define your enemies and portray them in the media as the ultimate in hatred—lovers of Hitler, enthusiastically rounding up Jews and feeding them into crematoria, hunting down blacks to lynch, millions “sent back where they came from,” and mass shootings blamed on hate of “marginalized communities,” that is to say special groups nourished and protected by the state.
Reprinted with permission from KurtNimmo.blog.
from Ron Paul Institute Featured Articles

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