There’s something about human nature that causes people in power to want to “do something” when faced with an unknown problem. Yet sometimes, doing nothing is better than “doing something.” When it comes to the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more evidence is emerging that the laissez-faire approach to the issue — at least on a governmental/”public health” level — was the solution all along.
The path chosen by Sweden, Belarus and a select few nations — which put the power in the hands of individuals to make their own health choices, instead of imposing draconian government edicts — appears to have won the day. With almost two years of data now in our hands, it sure seems that the ruling class has a lot to answer for.
Since the first COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, China, in early 2020, the supposed expert class has told us that their forcible “mitigation and suppression” tools, such as lockdowns, masks, and social distancing via government edicts, were absolutely necessary to prevent incredible potential damage that would have been caused by the apparent unchecked circulation of this virus.
The “experts” overwhelmingly endorsed these Chinese Communist Party-endorsed “health” measures, declaring them scientific overnight, despite many of these tools never being utilized in the event of a global pandemic. Far from looking back to reassess the premise of their grand plans, these leaders continued to plow forward with further and further restrictions on our liberties. They then pivoted to using these instruments of power in combination with compulsory therapy regimes, all under the guise of keeping us simple-minded plebs safe from the virus. Sure, all of our unalienable rights were seemingly stripped away without due process, but governments assured us that these supposedly scientifically proven measures would shield us from COVID-19. At the very least, we were told that these restrictions would be worth it because they are “keeping us safe.”
Now, almost two years have passed, and there is simply no evidence to date that these measures helped with our virus problem. In fact, given the excess death data of laissez-faire Sweden, you can now make the case that these “public health” solutions actually caused far more health problems than COVID-19 ever could by itself.
Excess deaths data tell us an incredible tale. Sweden has been largely open and free from any restrictions for 15 months and counting, and Stockholm has seen virtually *zero* excess deaths from the “deadly pandemic.”
As I told you almost 400 days ago ⬇️
— Prof. Freedom (@prof_freedom) September 24, 2021
Sweden is overcounting Covid death.
Covid death: ~15k
Excess death: ~3.5k
...80% of european countries have more excess death (per mio)!
Basically no excess death in Sweden for 15 month now (3.5k excess June 2020 as well).
Sweden wins!
1/2 pic.twitter.com/o6ppty8rO1
As of 9/25/2021, non-intervention countries Sweden and Belarus rank 43rd and 111th respectfully among nations in terms of COVID deaths per/100k population.Belarus had the mildest Covid restrictions in Europe (no LD, open borders) and has one of the lowest vacc rates. It has less than 4000 Covid deaths (out of 9 mill). Could you imagine all the lives and money we could save short and long term and if our govt emulated Belarus?
— Ewa Mazierska (@EwaMazierska) September 21, 2021
Again, this begs the question:
If Sweden and Belarus were able to outperform other nations by simply doing nothing, what exactly have all of these “public health expert” interventions accomplished?
The “experts” told us that their approach would certainly result in human catastrophe, with bodies lining every city block. Yet the opposite is true. Life has moved on from COVID in these nations, where the illness is being treated comparable to seasonal influenza.
Moreover, there appears to be declining confidence that the latest promised “cure” to the disease (mRNA injections) are acting as a cure in any way, shape, or form.
The Wall Street Journal: Israel, 80% Vaccinated, Suffers Another Covid-19 Surge.https://t.co/jDEoDJeHc4
— Charlie Oliver (@itscomplicated) August 13, 2021
In Sweden, children remained in school. Businesses remained open. People were allowed to live their lives as they saw fit. And yet, Sweden and others demonstrated excess mortality that was lower than average when compared to nations that had the most restrictions.* This is just a shocking observation, Not a correlation or a conclusion against vax.
— Ray Armat, Ph.D. (@RayArmat) September 24, 2021
Most countries with high % EXCESS DEATH in August
Israel, Qatar, Iceland, Spain: 21-25%
Finland, Chile, US, UK: 14-16%
Are highest vax. rates: 70-90% of adults
Source:https://t.co/I4lEF2hYuY pic.twitter.com/kYNQOaLxfV
In America, due to government edicts, our overall health declined, we got sicker, we saw an unprecedented obesity increase, among other issues caused by “public health” interventions. Far from solving the virus issue at hand, it’s become clear that all of these mandates and restrictions just added additional problems on top of the issue of an endemic seasonal virus.
Indeed, sometimes doing nothing is better than doing something, especially when you’re trying to fight a war against an endemic, submicroscopic infectious particle.
Reprinted with author's permission from The Dossier.
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